1. Build a Habit
The first step to learning a new language is building a habit of studying vocab. It's not enough to just say that you will dedicate some time. Build a regular habit in which you focus and drill vocab. Stick to this habit regardless of what the day is like or how you feel. Remember that your goal is to be able to use your new target language in all instances, even when you're tired, hungry, or just don't feel like it.
2. Have a Purpose
Have a goal for what you plan to use your new language for. Use Spanish to learn Flamenco guitar, or French to access special cooking courses. Language learning is exciting, but there are days when it's slow and tedious. Having a purpose for your language turns it into a tool that unlocks part of the world that you don't yet have access to.
The ability to speak another language gives you a new lens in which to view the world. It's your own personal tool to do amazing things. Where you will go, what you will accomplish, only you can answer this.
3. Do the Work
Vocab Viper is a tool. How you choose to use it for your learning journey is up to you. You can tackle topics one at a time, or mix up your study.
The act of learning a new language is nothing more than an act of self mastery. Language learning is a journey - an adventure, with many ups and downs, victories and defeats. A Viperglot loves the journey as much as the outcome.
If learning a language were easy then it'd be boring. A Viperglot embraces this. The only thing that places knowledge into your brain is your own willpower and perseverance.
4. Be Inspired
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are studying different languages. You're not alone when it comes to the challenges you will face in your journey. But when it gets tough and you need a boost, find inspiration to dig a little deeper. Vocab Viper provides inspiration here.
5. When in doubt, follow the Viperglot Code
Study vocab when tired.
Study vocab when excited.
Study vocab when it's hot.
Study vocab when it's cold.
Study vocab when the boss isn't looking.